SIP Calculator


Invested Amount: 0

Time Period: 0 years

Expected Returns: 0%

Final Total Value: 0

What is a SIP Calculator?

A SIP calculator, also known as a Systematic Investment Plan calculator, is a financial tool used to calculate the potential returns on investments made through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). SIP is a popular investment method, especially in the context of mutual funds, where investors regularly contribute a fixed amount of money at predetermined intervals (typically monthly) into their investment portfolio.

What is SIP?

SIP, or Systematic Investment Plan, is an investment method that allows individuals to invest in mutual funds in a systematic and disciplined manner. Rather than making a lump-sum investment, investors commit to contributing a fixed amount at regular intervals, usually monthly. SIPs cater to a wide range of investors, from beginners to experienced ones. You can start investing with as little as 500 rupees per month, making it accessible even to those with modest incomes. SIPs encourage financial discipline by automating the investment process. Regardless of market fluctuations or other distractions, you continue to invest regularly.

sip calculator


Can I stop or pause SIP investments?

Yes, you can stop or pause your SIP at any time without any penalty. This is known as discontinuing the SIP.

When can I redeem my SIP investments?

You can redeem your SIP investments anytime you choose, but it’s generally recommended to stay invested for the long term to benefit from compounding.

Are SIP investments tax-efficient?

The tax treatment of SIP investments varies based on the type of mutual fund and the duration of your investment. ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) funds, for instance, are one such category with specific tax benefits.

Can I change the SIP amount later?

Yes, most SIPs allow you to increase your investment amount, known as the ‘top-up’ or ‘step-up’ option.

What returns can I expect from SIPs?

SIP returns vary depending on the mutual fund’s performance and market conditions. Over the long term, SIPs have the potential to provide competitive returns compared to traditional savings.

Mutual Fund Investment Services